Social Media Marketing Tips Barbers Should Know to Go Viral

We live in a world where the online verse is intricately tied to real life, social media is used by millions of people connecting us all through the digital world. This is a tool for all businesses, social media can be used to connect with potential consumers, and to promote products and skills. Here are five tips from CADMEN Barbershop on how to promote content online!

Social Media Skills: What to Do and What Not to Do

Create a Community

This means promoting engagement and customer relationships online. Attempting to gain followers and likes from an unreceptive audience is pointless. Consumers appreciate online connections. Barbers are more likely to receive clients when their audience feels connected, resulting in; higher engagement, reposting, sharing, and better interactions.

Make sure you follow your clients on social media, respond to their comments and DMs, and comment on their pages with complements and constructive feedback. It helps create bonding between you and your followers/clients. Remember, it is much easier to keep a client you already know returning to you than finding a new one because you did not build a good relationship with them and then let them go to other barbers.

Do Not Overly Promote

Overly promoting is a hindrance to followers. Most audiences become disengaged with excess marketed posts. This makes followers feel like they are just potential buyers. You need to focus on creating content that you feel people will actually enjoy.

A good rule of thumb is 70/30. 70% of the posts are about your work, and 30% are about other things, such as yourself, your hobbies, or reshare education/fun content. It helps give your followers a break so that they will not grow tired of your page.


It’s good to have a good mix of work culture and haircuts on social media

Knowing Your Audience

An understanding of your audience is fundamental, in order for clients to reach out you have to understand what haircuts, styles and colours are in. When a barber continuously posts content that people are interested in, the chances of consumers returning to your page increases.

From a marketing standpoint, these 5 demographics are deal-breakers when it comes to understanding your audience:

  1. Age

  2. Gender

  3. Income

  4. Occupation

  5. Location

Once you get a hold of these 5, targeting your audience will be much easier and precise.

Social Media Platforms for Promoting Barbering

Social media is an asset. The platforms give barbers an edge, including a chance to show off their skills. Here are some platforms to grow your following and increase your outreach.


TikTok is one of the fastest-growing platforms. The app is the perfect space for business, not only does it post content for your following but it also expands it to a larger audience. For this reason, multiple small businesses have flourished during Covid.


Instagram is a bit more tricky, the algorithm isn’t the same as TikTok. Instagram is more dependent on the followers you already have for engagement; However, the app has been promoting a new feature called Reels. Aspiring barbers should take advantage of this feature as it aids in advertising.

Tip: You can post the same video created for Instagram Reels on TikTok and vice versa. It helps you save time and effort. However, make sure videos are watermark-free as these platforms favour original content created by you (with no logo/watermark). These are 2 pages that can help you download videos without watermarks:

  1. From Instagram Reels:

  2. From TikTok:


Example of a viral video on Instagram Reels at CADMEN Barbershop



YouTube is best when it comes to longer educational video content. If you do vlogs about your daily life at the shop or showing step-by-step of how to cut a hairstyle, YouTube would work. However, generally, getting viral on YouTube is much harder and takes more effort compared to on TikTok and Instagram/Reels, so we would recommend focusing on TikTok and Instagram/Reels first.


Example of a viral video on YouTube at CADMEN Barbershop
